Claire Goldsmith Legacy glasses collection landed at Piccadilly Opticians Birmingham

Claire Goldsmiths frames at Piccadilly Opticians Birmingham

Time has come for us to unvail the brand new collection from The family of the  'Goldsmiths'

Clarie Goldsmith, who revived her grandfather, Oliver Goldsmith's, label five years ago has just launched her own eyewear brand, entitled Legacy, is just the thing for specs wearers who are looking for something a bit different. Be it two-tone or retro-inspired Buddy Holly-esque tortoiseshell frames, this is a label that does away with any geeky misconceptions about glasses wearers.

Claire says,
 "The designs we have been reproducing for the past 5 years have been from the archive of my grandfather and uncle, created over 40 years ago," said Goldsmith. "Whilst they will always hold a place in fashion history, my vision for the future lies in new design.

"We made sunglasses for Audrey Hepburn in Two For The Road, Charade and How to Steal a Million. Michael Caine wore our spectacles in The Ipcress File. When my dad died he left the trademark to me. I wanted to bring the brand back to life, so the first thing I did was to find the original factory to see if they'd work for us again."

The first sunglasses were Roman, says Claire. "Nero used to wear slabs of marble with slits in to help him watch his gladiators in the midday sun, but the V&A acknowledges that we were the originators of fashion eyewear."

 Claire Goldsmith 

 My and Claire 

 CG (Claire Goldsmiths) We have ordered 

 CG (Claire Goldsmiths) We have ordered 

CG (Claire Goldsmiths) We have ordered 

We have 25 in stock and selling fast and watch out for out Legends Page on facebook

Find at Piccadilly Opticians Birmingham.
We can order any frame from there range Call
0121 643 2880
for enquires.....Ask for Asa Slatford
